The Interruption Club

scope | present talks | past talks

On Oct 1, Aldrin Seychell will talk about Synthesising Correct Concurrent Runtime Monitors, based on a paper presented at RV2013.

On Oct 4, Mandy Zammit will talk about Formal Fault-Tolerance Proofs for Distributed Algorithms.

On Oct 8, Aimee Borda will talk about Separation-Based Reasoning for Deterministic Message-Passing Concurrent Programs .

On Oct 15, Clare Cini will talk about A Proof-Theoretic Study of Linear Temporal Logic Monitoring.

On Oct 22, Joshua Ellul will talk about Programming for Resource Constrained Systems .

On Oct 23, Nik Sultana, from Microsoft Research, will talk about Interpreting Leo-II's proofs in Isabelle/HOL . This is joint work with Christoph Benzmuller.

On Nov 5, Neville Grech, from Bristol University, will talk about Preemptive Typechecking. This is joint work with Julian Rathke.

On Nov 12, Jean Paul Ebejer, from the Universityof Oxford, will talk about The quest of computer scientists to discover new drugs.

On Nov 19, Karl Fenech will talk about Scheduling Task-Parallel Programs in a Multiprogram Workload .

> On Nov 26, Andrea Mangion will talk about Distributed Hash Tables.

On Dec 3, Karl Fenech will continue to talk about Scheduling Task-Parallel Programs in a Multiprogram Workload .

On Dec 10, Chris Colombo will talk about distributing monitors for LTL formulas .