
The Renewable Energy Potential of the Maltese Isalnds

RN Farrugia, M Fsadni, C Yousif, EA Mallia

Xjenza, The Journal of the Malta Chamber of Scientists, Vol. 10 (2005), pp. 32-42 



Contribution of Solar Applications Towards Achieving a Renewable Energy Target for Malta
Charles Yousif

Proceedings of "Renewable Energies in Malta and Beyond" Seminar, 19th September 2005, Salina, Malta, published by the Institute for Energy Technology, University of Malta, pp. 17-21.

Investigation of Domestic Solar Water Heating Installations in Malta
S.P. Borg, *C. Yousif and *R.N. Farrugia

Proceedings of "Renewable Energies in Malta and Beyond" Seminar, 19th September 2005, Salina, Malta, published by the Institute for Energy Technology, University of Malta, pp.30-38.


Energy Efficient Housing: A First Case Study for Malta
Buhagiar Vincent and Yousif, Charles
Proceedings of the International Conference SB04MED  Sustainable Construction: Action for Sustainability in the Mediterannean, 9-11 June 2005, Athens, Greece, published on a CD.

Analysis of Photovoltaic Projects in a Mediterranean Island
F.A. Ribeiro* and C. Iskander Yousif
* Loughborough University, UK
Proceedings of the 19th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference & Exhibition, Paris, France, 7-11 June 2004, pp. 2842-2845.

A Hybrid Wind/Solar Photovoltaic System for Malta: A Case Study for Supplying Power to a Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plant
Robert N. Farrugia & Charles E. Iskander Yousif
Proceedings of the Renewable Energy Systems for Islands, Tourism and Desalination Conference, 26-28 May, 2003, Crete, Greece, pp.269-276.

Energy Technology Options for a Better Environment
R.N. Farrugia, M. Fsadni and C. Iskander Yousif
Proceedings of the “Chamber of Engineers Conference on the Environment May 2003

Recent Developments of Applying Solar Photovoltaic Technologies in Malta
C. Iskander Yousif
Proceedings of the “Enemalta 25th Anniversary Conference on Energy and the Environment”, Mediterranean Conference Centre, 18th-19th October, 2002, Valletta, Malta

Comparison Study Between the Performance of Tracking and Stationary Solar Photovoltaic Systems in Malta
C. Iskander Yousif
Proceedings of the "PV in Europe from PV Technology to Energy Solutions" Conference & Exhibition, Rome, Italy, 7th-11th October 2002, pp. 1065-1068.


A Five-Year Report on a Solar Photovoltaic Grid-Tied system Operating under a Typical Mediterranean Climate
C. Iskander Yousif & E. Scerri
Proceedings of the 17th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference & Exhibition, Munich, Germany, 22nd-26th October 2001, pp.  720-723.


Integrating Renewable Energy Studies in Under- Graduate Curriculum: The IET/ISAT Experience
C. Iskander, E. Scerri, J. Miles*

* College of Integrated Science and Technology, James Madison University MSC 4102, Harrisonburg, VA 22807, U.S.A.

Proceedings of the World Renewable Energy Congress – VI, 1st to 7th July, 2000, Brighton, United Kingdom, pp.  2454-2457.


Sowing the Seed for an Energy Conscious Society in Malta
C. Iskander, R.N. Farrugia, M. Fsadni

Energy Globe 2000: The Award for Sustainable Energy, Austria, 9th to 12th March, 2000.


Interfacing a Solar Photovoltaic System with the National Electricity Grid in Malta
C. Iskander & E. Scerri

Proceedings of the Fifth World Renewable Energy Congress, Florence, Italy, 20th to 25th September, 1998. Renewable Energy, Vol. 1, pp. 577-580, Pergamon Press.


First-hand Experience of Solar Photovoltaic Grid- Connection in Malta
C. Iskander & E. Scerri

Proceedings of the 14th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference & Exhibition, Barcelona, Spain, 30th June - 4th July, 1997, pp. 1524-1527.


Performance and Cost Evaluation of a Stand-alone Photovoltaic System in Malta
C. Iskander & E. Scerri

Proceedings of the 4th World Renewable Energy Congress, Denver, Colorado,15th-21st June, 1996.


Photovoltaic Solar Energy Applications in Malta
C. Iskander & E. Scerri

"An Energy Policy for the Year 2000", 3rd Biennial Conference, Malta Council for Science & Technology, Valletta, Malta, 4th-5th June, 1996


Performance of a 1.2 kWp Stand-alone Photovoltaic System in Malta
C. Iskander & E. Scerri

Proceedings of the 13th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference & Exhibition, Nice, France, 23rd-27th, October 1995, pp. 1019-1022.


Hands-on Experience of the Setting-up of a Stand-alone Photovoltaic Demonstration Project in Malta
E. Scerri & C. Iskander

Renewable Energy, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 359-363,1994


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