University of Malta 

 Institute of Earth Systems 

 Aromatic and Medicinal Plants Page

 RTDI Research Project   




Selected Publications


Lecture Notes


Aromatic  & Medicinal Plants Page


Thesis Writing & Presentation 





re: website


1. Introduction: Medicinal Plants and Their Origins

2. The Relationship between Tradition, Research and Industry

3. Medicinal plants of the Asteraceae/Compositae family

4. Medicinal plants of the Lamiaceae/Labiatae family

5. Medicinal plants of the Umbelliferae family

6. Medicinal plants of the Fabaceae/Leguminosae family

7. Medicinal plants of the Rosaceae family

8. Medicinal plants of the Rutaceae and Solanaceae families

9. Medicinal plants of the Cruciferae family

10. Medicinal plants of the Liliaceae family

11. Medicinal plants of the Caryophyllaceae and Boraginaceae families

12. Medicinal plants of the Ranunculaceae and Papaveraceae families

13. Medicinal plants of the Malvaceae and other families


Project Funded by the Malta Council for Science and Technology


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Designed and Coordination by Prof. Everaldo Attard. All rights reserved 2002-2011.

Last Update: 15th February 2011

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