Musica sacra a Malta. Le cappelle musicali della Cattedrale di S. Paolo e della Concattedrale
di S. Giovanni Battista nel XIX secolo
(Sacred music in Malta. The musical chapels of St. Paul's Cathedral and St. John's Co-Cathedral
in the 19th century)
Malta, Publishers Enterprisers Group PEG, 1995, 172 pp., 8°, photos, music facsimile, indexes and
ISBN 99909-0-002-7


The study focuses on the period followingthe  French occupation of Malta (1798-1800), when the Chapter  of the
Cathedral of Malta was in charge of the organization of the liturgical and musical activities at St. John's in Valletta
(previously conventual church of the Order of the Knights of St. John). The different "piani di musica" (music plans)
established by the Chapter during the 19th century are discussed together with a description of  the main events
characterising the musical life in both churches. Two appendices provide a complete bio-bibliographical list of all
maestros, organists, musicians and singers employed in both Cathedrals in the 19th century and a transcription of
documents from the Mdina Cathedral archives.
   For further information please contact  Dr Franco Bruni at: