Stampe musicali italiane alla cattedrale di Malta. Storia e Catalogo della collezione
(Italian printed music sources at the Malta Cathedral. History and Catalogue of the Collection)
(ACM, Mus. Pr. 1-159),
Malta, Publishers Enterprisers Group PEG, 1999, 199 pp., 8°, photos, indexes and
ISBN 99909-0-139-2


The study describes the origins and the development of the Italian  music printed collection held at the Mdina
Cathedral Archives. The collection, made up of 163 sets of polyphonic books, include 17th century music representing
mainly the Roman, Venetian and Sicilian Polyphonic Schools. 23 sets out of 159 are "unique" exemplars
(mainly Sicilian sources) not yet recorded on  Repertoire International des Sources Musicales. The study is followed
by an analytical/descriptive catalogue of the prints. Two appendixes carry the transcription of the 1710 music inventory
and a chronological list of the prints.

 *The book has been reviewed online by Anne Schnoebelen in the Journal of Seventeenth-Century Music

  The book can be purchased in Italy from LIM Libreria Italiana Musica (Lucca, Italy) or contacting Dr. Bruni.

   For further information please contact  Dr Franco Bruni: