Franco Bruni

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Academic Courses 1994-1999


                               MU 327  (3rd year)   Introduction to musicological research
                               MU 427  (4th year)   Advanced research


    Editing of 17th century music sources

       Begun in 1994 at University of Malta, the project-objective centres around the transcription of music manuscripts housed in the Music Archives of the Mdina Cathedral of Malta. Transcriptions have been made
by students of the Music Studies Programme, under the direction of Dr. Franco Bruni. The transcribed works,
all available at the Mdina Cathedral Archives, are: Mus. Mss. 24, 123, 124, 125, 132, 133, 135, 136, 137,
138, 139, 140, 141, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 151b, 153, 154, 156a, 156b, 158, 159, 161, 163, 165, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 174, 176, 177, 196, 197.

    Cataloguing of music sources

       This project aims at a systematic and complete cataloguing of music sources (manuscripts and prints) of Maltese music collections held in ecclesiastical, governmental and private archives. The cataloguing, provided by Dr. Bruni, music students and others scholars has now achieved the following results:
 Mdina Cathedral Museum, cataloguing of the following music collections:Mus. Ms. 1-584, the Vella Collection (Mus. Ms. 611-624, 975-1462, 1646, 4454-4459); the Nani Collection and the Italian 17th century printed collection (Mus. Pr. 1-159) by Franco Bruni;
        Gozo Cathedral, Rabat: cataloguing of the music manuscript collection by Mr. Joseph Grech (M.Phil. student supervised by Dr. Franco Bruni).

    Cataloguing of music iconographical sources

       Project started in 1997, dealing with the systematic cataloguing of iconographical music sources (frescos, paintings etc.) to be found on Maltese islands made by the students of the Music Studies Programme.

    Research on musical activities in Malta in 17th and 18th century

       The research, carried out in several Maltese archives, aims at sheding new light on secular musical activities, taking into consideration the musical patronage as well as any other kind of activities in which music was involved.

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Last updated  December  2004