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Author | Dr. Annalita Pace Asciak MD |
Abstract | Objectives To compare the differences in compliance with the DTP / DT immunization schedule in 1994, using the old schedule and 1996, using the new schedule. To find out the reasons for non-adherence with the new schedule. Methodology 282 children, immunized in 1994 using the old schedule were compared with 277 children immunized in 1996 using the new schedule, in terms of compliance with the DTP / DT immunization schedule. A standardised questionnaire was then sent to 248 mothers of the sampled children immunized in 1996, to compare them in terms of basic characteristics and to find out the possible reasons for their non-adherence with the immunization schedule. Results Compliance was significantly higher with the new schedule than with the old one (Chi square = 9.71, p = 0.0078). Analysis of the questionnaires showed that having more children (t = 2.65, p = 0.0093) and having less access to a private care (Chi square = 6.28, p = 0.043) were significantly associated with non-adherence with the immunization schedule. In general, the most common reason chosen for not vaccinating their child on time was because the child was unwell, mostly according to their doctor. Conclusion Lack of accessibility to immunization services as well as fear to vaccinate their child because he / she was ill, have contributed to the non-adherence with DTP / DT immunization schedule in 1996. An educational campaign targeting both the parents and the medical profession and, improving access to vaccination could well improve compliance with childhood immunization schedules. |
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