Breastfeeding, Malta 2002

AuthorDr. S Attard Montalto MBChB, MD (L'pool), FRCP, FRCPCH, DCH
AbstractAlthough the scientific and economic benefits in support of breastfeeding over formula feeds is overwhelming, Malta retains one of the lowest rates for breastfeeding in almost all developed and several under-developed countries. Recently, this rate had begun to improve: from just 45% of maltese mothers breastfeeding (exclusively or mixed feeding) at the time of discharge from St. Luke's Hospital in 1995, to 64% in 2000. Nevertheless, this improvement was not sustained and only 18% of maltese mothers were still exclusively or partbreastfeeding 9 months after delivery in 2000. Of greater concern is the apparent reversal of the improving trend with a decrease to 56% total/partial breastfeeding at discharge from hospital in the first half of 2002. This article reviews the reasons for these low rates and discusses the efforts being made to improve the situation.

Published in:
JournalMalta Medical Journal
Volume14 Issue 01
Pages36 - 40
Link to journal

Key wordbreast feeding

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace