Trichobezoar in a 13 year old Male

AuthorsAlistair Pace MD, MRCS
C Fearne MD, FRCS
AbstractCase report of a trichobezoar occuring in the stomach of a 13 year old boy known to suffer from trichotillomania. 90% of trichobezoars occur in adolescent females and the occurrence in males is rarely documented. The clinical presentation and complications of trichobezoars are discussed. Differential diagnosis of epigastric masses in children and the investigations utilised to diagnose these intragastric hairballs together with possible hypotheses on their pathogenesis are discussed.

Published in:
JournalMalta Medical Journal
Volume15 Issue 01
Pages39 - 40
Link to journal

Key wordsepigastric masses, trichobezoar, trichotillomania

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace