Ileostomy Adenocarcinoma

AuthorsJoEtienne Abela MD
M J Szczepanski MD, MCh
G Laferla PhD, FRCS
AbstractProctocolectomy is the standard treatment for patients suffering from ulcerative colitis which is long-standing, refractory to pharmacotherapy or otherwise associated with complications. An ileal pouch with pouch-anal anastomosis is fashioned in the majority of cases; however, in some instances terminal ileostomy is preferable. Ileostomy cancer is rare but a number of cases have been reported over the past twenty years suggesting a rising incidence. We report a case that developed thirty years post-operatively.

Published in:
JournalMalta Medical Journal
Volume16 Issue 04
Pages42 - 43
Link to journal

Key wordsadenocarcinoma, colonic metaplasia, proctocolectomy, terminal ileostomy, ulcerative colitis

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace