The school health service - t a needs assessment

AuthorsM Sammut
D Soler
M Dalmas
AbstractIntroduction: The School Health Service consists of a small group of doctors and nurses who provide various services to children within all State and Church schools. Aim of this needs assessment: Changes in our society's lifestyle and in the health needs of children and their families, coupled with the financial and human resource constraints of the Health Service raised the need to evaluate the present modus operandi of the School Medical Service, with the intention of obtaining a clearer perspective as to how this service could be improved in its efficiency and efficacy. Methods: A monthly report of the work done in schools is one of the routinely collected data. The monthly reports from January 2005 to June 2006 for the work done in the Cottonera, Paola and Tarxien area schools were analysed. Results: The fact that children are seen at school means that there is a high “catchment” rate. The school environment is a “neutral territory” for both the child and the family. This tends to demedicalise the issues concerned. The screening carried out yields substantial positive results. However there is room for greater effectiveness and efficiency of this service. Conclusions: There is need for a review of the modus operandi of the School Health Service with emphasis on creating networks of teams with other departments providing child services. This would integrate work without the need for further human and financial resource recruitment.

Published in:
JournalMalta Medical Journal
Volume18 Supplement
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Key wordsneeds assessment, networks of teams, school health service

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace