Community services for Malta's growing elderly population: screening - the missing link in our portfolio?

AuthorsJ Mamo
Charmaine Gauci
N Calleja
AbstractAims: to review the basis for screening of community dwelling elders in other EU countries such as Sweden, Germany and the UK and discuss the feasibilty/missed opportunity in Malta's failure to even conceive such screening. Methods: a brief review of the available services in the community to address the needs of Malta's growing elderly population is presented. A thorough assessment of the basis for the decision to screen elderly persons in their homes in other EU countries and the evidence that exists at present in favour of such screening. Expected gains in terms of the population's health and in potential cost-benefit are discussed with the aim of quantifying what Malta stands to gain or lose by such screening. Results: costs involved in national screening programmes of community dwelling elderly persons are clearly very high. However, gains expected in terms of quality of life, reduced admissions to residential care and even life years gained could well outweigh such costs. Discussion: Malta's current economic situation is such that, despite the potential gains, including financial ones in terms of health care savings, it is unlikely that such a strategy will be considered in the foreseeable future locally. Conclusion: screening of Malta's growing elderly population could remain the missing link in our range of services. Such an expensive facility could reduce the evident, growing demands for institutional care which is ultimately a more costly option.

Published in:
JournalMalta Medical Journal
Volume18 Supplement
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Key wordscommunity health, community services, elderly, screening

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace