A series of cases of spontaneously aborted foetuses

AuthorsA M Scerri
A Cuschieri
AbstractIntroduction: Spontaneously aborted foetuses frequently have developmental anomalies. Chromosomal abnormalities have been reported in 30-50% of cases. Aims: This paper presents the results of a detailed anatomical examination of a series of cases of spontaneously aborted foetuses, together with their cytogenetic testing. Methods: Foetuses were obtained following informed parental consent for any post mortem tests necessary for the purpose of establishing the cause of intra-uterine death. The maternal histories were used to obtain information on the ultrasonography carried out during the mother's pregnancy, as well as any other findings relevant to establishing the cause of foetal death. The procedures for examining the external features and for dissection of small foetuses are discussed. X-ray imaging was used to view the skeletal system of foetuses, as a diagnostic investigation. Cytogenetic testing was used to diagnose cytogenetic abnormalities. Results and conclusions: The abnormalities found included limb abnormalities, facial abnormalities, lung abnormalities, omphalocoele and encephalocoele. Cytogenetic testing used in other cases revealed the occurrence of Turner Syndrome, trisomy 18, and a case of triploidy.

Published in:
JournalMalta Medical Journal
Volume18 Supplement
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Key wordsanatomical examination, congenital anomalies, cytogenetics, spontaneous abortion

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace