Guideline for suspected lower limb deep vein thrombosis

AuthorsJ Borg
T Piscopo
J Micallef
D Sammut
D Barbara
J Diacono
AbstractAim: The aim of this audit is the evaluation of the guideline for the management of suspected lower limb deep vein thrombosis in the casualty setting. Method: A total number of 137 cases, who presented at the Casualty Department over a period of three months, were included in the study. Patients were divided into low risk and moderate-to-high risk categories according validated Well's scoring criteria including clinical signs and medical history and the appropriate investigations were performed according to guideline. Data was hence collected and the patients were followed up to monitor the outcome. Results: Of the 137 patients included in the study 106 patients were discharged directly from the casualty department. 31 patients required admission. Of these, 22 had a confirmed DVT. Conclusion: A considerable number of admissions were avoided. The guideline was modified in order to accommodate those patients who according to guideline necessitated follow-up Doppler studies. In view of the logistic problems encountered in organising the latter, a venogram is now being advised instead.

Published in:
JournalMalta Medical Journal
Volume18 Supplement
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Key wordsaudit, deep venous thrombosis, guidelines, well scoring

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace