The effect of sildenafil citrate on the Sultan and Modified Sultan scores in women with severe dysmenorrhoea

AuthorsR Custo
Y Muscat Baron
M P Brincat
AbstractAim: To investigate the Sultan and Modified Sultan Scores after treatment with sildenafil in women suffering from severe dysmenorrhoea. Method: A small (8 patients) double blind placebo controlled trial, using Sildenafil citrate and ibuprofen during the first 3 months, followed by placebo and ibuprofen for the next 3 months. Symptoms and quality of life were assessed with the Sultan score and Modified Sultan score before, 1hour and 2 hours after medication. Results: During the 3 months of treatment with sildenafil, there was a statistically significant improvement in abdominal pain (p=0.017), pelvic heaviness/pain (p=0.047), lethargy (p=0.026), number of days off work (p=0.024), the Sultan and Modified Sultan scores (p=0.012), compared to baseline. Comparing the 3 months of treatment with placebo to baseline, there was a significant improvement in abdominal pain (p=0.016), pelvic heaviness/pain (p=0.016) days off work, the Sultan and Modified Sultan scores. When comparing sildenafil to placebo there was a statistically significant improvement in back ache (p=0.046) and pelvic heaviness/pain (p=0.023) Conclusion: In this small study, sildenafil appears to positively improve the Sultan and Modified Sultan scores. Certain symptoms such as backache and pelvic heaviness/pain improved significantly. One possible explanation may be that sildenafil's vasoactive influence, especially in the genital region may be responsible for the improved blood flow. The positive impact on the metabolism and oxygenation of the tissues concerned, may be responsible for the observed improvement of symptoms.

Published in:
JournalMalta Medical Journal
Volume18 Supplement
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Key wordsdysmenorrhoea, sildenafil

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace