Paramedics and pharmacists attitudes towards changes in working times in St Lukes Hospital

AuthorsN Borg
N Azzopardi Muscat
AbstractAims: In view of the increased focus on efficient utilisation of resources and the likely future changes in hospital management, this study sought to investigate the implications of changes in working times for paramedics and pharmacists at St Lukes Hospital, to explore the effects on their personal commitments, to assess current working pattern satisfaction and to identify the influencing factors for alternative working pattern implementation. Methods: A descriptive, exploratory research design included a selfadministered questionnaire distributed to 330 paramedics and 42 pharmacists followed by a focus group with representatives from each profession. Another focus group with line managers was then conducted followed by elite interviews with the Director of Human Resources and two Union Representatives. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for quantitative data and content analysis for qualitative data. Results: Overall, paramedics and pharmacists were satisfied with current working patterns particularly when working daily hours and reduced hours. Flexible working hours was the most preferred alternative pattern, also discussed significantly in the focus groups and elite interviews. Work pattern preferences would be influenced by lifestyles, family commitments and health. The most influential factors for the implementation of new work patterns included participation in discussions, staffs opinions and the information given. Conclusions: More flexible working patterns would provide employees with time for commitments but also maximise utilisation of resources and provide a more efficient service. Employees should be actively involved to prevent resistance to changes in order to ensure the provision of a better service thus meeting the patients needs.

Published in:
JournalMalta Medical Journal
Volume15 Issue 1-2/suppl. 2003
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Key wordshealth services management, human resources, paramedic, working time, pharmacist

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace