The value of a routine duodenal biopsy at gastroscopy in diagnosing Coeliac disease

AuthorsJ Pocock
A Caruana Galizia
J S Degaetano
AbstractBackground: Coeliac disease is thought to be a common and under diagnosed medical condition which is often associated with considerable morbidity and mortality. The presenting symptoms associated with Coeliac disease are often non-specific and clinically silent, as are some of its complications, like oesteoporosis. Coeliac disease is best diagnosed by finding increased epithelial lymphocytes and partial/total villous atrophy on histological examination of biopsies taken from the second part of the duodenum (D2) at gastroscopy. Unfortunately some cases with histologically proven Coeliac disease will have a normal endoscopic mucosal appearance of D2. Aim: To determine if taking a duodenal biopsy on all patients at gastroscopy will diagnose patients with coeliac disease who would otherwise have been missed. Study design: A prospective study in a teaching hospital endoscopy unit during years 2004 and 2005 Method: Altogether 923 consecutive patients attending for gastroscopy were included in this study. At least two distal duodenal biopsies were taken if possible, unless a contraindication was present. Results: In 234 patients a duodenal biopsy was clearly indicated. Duodenal biopsies were also performed on 450 patients from the remaining 689. 5 patients from this group were diagnosed as suffering from coeliac disease, 3 of whom had a normal duodenal appearance at endoscopy. In addition 3 patients were diagnosed with giardiasis while in another patient the biopsy was suggestive of Crohns disease. There were no complications from the procedures. Conclusion: Taking 2 duodenal biopsies on all patients at gastroscopy unless contraindicated will diagnose new cases of coeliac disease. The cost of opportunistic screenig for coeliac is less than Lm2000 per case diagnosed.

Published in:
JournalMalta Medical Journal
Volume15 Issue 1-2/suppl. 2003
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Key wordsduodenal biopsy, gastroscopy, opportunistic screening, coeliac disease

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace