Lack of sunlight exposure causing hypocalcaemia in a sun drenched archipelago

AuthorsS Vella
M J Cachia
AbstractHypovitaminosis D is associated with poor dietary intake and inadequate sunlight exposure. Elderly institutionalized patients as well as veiled women are at an increased risk of hypovitaminosis D. Several studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency in elderly people enhances bone mass loss. Severe hypocalcaemia complicating hypovitaminosis D may manifest with tetany, and increases the risk of seizures. We present a short series of such Maltese patients, highlighting an unexpected cause of hypocalcaemia in a sun drenched archipelago.

Published in:
JournalMalta Medical Journal
Volume15 Issue 1-2/suppl. 2003
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Key wordscase report, hypocalcaemia, sunlight, hypovitaminosis D

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace