An analysis of the investigations of patients attending a recurrent miscarriage clinic

AuthorsH Gauci Grech
M Formosa
C Sant
M P Brincat
AbstractAim: This is a retrospective observation analysis of the investigations of the patients who attended the clinic over the past 2 years. 56 patients were seen during this period of time. Methods: A standard detailed obstetric, gynaecological and medical history was taken in every case. A standard investigation protocol was then applied to all patients. Following the investigations each couple was advised a treatment protocol. These protocols were strictly adhered to as far as possible in order to enable comparisons Results: The largest group of patients was the idiopathic group with 20 couples representing 35% of the total. The second largest group was the PCOS with 11 patients (20%) and congenital thrombophilia with 8 cases (14.2%). Luteal phase defects (12.5%), congenital anatomical abnormalities (10%) and acquired thrombophilia (7%) followed. There were no cases of genetic defects in this group. . The outcome of the group is still incomplete as a significant number (28 patients) are still trying to conceive following investigation. Conclusion: The group with ovulatory dysfunction (32%), which comprises the group with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (20%) and Luteal Phase Defects (12.5%), was nearly as common as the idiopathic group. The PCOS group was, as in previous audits of this clinic, the most important pathological group. This fact sustains the notion that PCOS is in high prevalence in Malta and is probably related to the documented high incidence of diabetes mellitus in our island.

Published in:
JournalMalta Medical Journal
Volume15 Issue 1-2/suppl. 2003
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Key wordspolycystic ovaries, recurrent miscarriage

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace