Myocardial injury following perinatal asphyxia

AuthorsJ Fenech
H Andrejevic
V Zammit
C Chetcuti Ganado
J Mizzi
P Soler
AbstractAims: To highlight the following: 1. Birth asphyxia remains a common problem 2. Commonest complication is neurological 3. Less commonly, other organ systems, including the heart, may be involved. Methods/Results: Case report of a newborn baby with birth asphyxia who sustained documented myocardial injury, including tachyarrhythmia and elevated cardiac enzymes. Conclusion: Following birth asyphxia a careful diagnositic workup is necessary to determine end-organ damage of the CNS, peripheral nervous system, kidneys and heart.

Published in:
JournalMalta Medical Journal
Volume15 Issue 1-2/suppl. 2003
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Key wordscase report, myocardial injury, perinatal asphyxia

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace