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Authors | L M Azzopardi A Serracino Inglott M Zarb Adami R Zarb |
Abstract | Aims: To evaluate the feasibility of setting up a health promotion programme in community pharmacies and to assess the impact of the service. Method: The health promotion programme which was offered for one week at 32 community pharmacies consisted of presentation of information leaflets and posters on diabetes, hypertension and hypercholesterolaemia and on the measurement of blood pressure, blood glucose levels and body mass index. A questionnaire was addressed to the volunteers participating in the study and another questionnaire was administered to the community pharmacists practicing at these pharmacies. Results: Out of 487 patrons approached, 372 volunteers (76%) participated in the study with 86% (320) stating that they usually ask the pharmacist for health-related information and 68% (253) accepting the provision of diagnostic services from the pharmacists. All participants agreed that such health schemes should be organised in community pharmacies with 72% (267) being ready to pay 5 Euro for the service. Out of the 40 interviewed pharmacists, 75% (30) were ready to offer such a health promotion scheme with the majority costing the service at 6 Euro. The costs to set up the diagnostic equipment for the scheme is 230 Euro and the expenses for each volunteer are 4 Euro. Conclusion: Volunteers were ready to accept this service from community pharmacies and were ready to pay a reasonable price for the service. A high number of pharmacists were ready to offer the service at the price patients were ready to pay. |
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Journal | Malta Medical Journal |
Volume | 15 Issue 1-2/suppl. 2003 |
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Key words | community, pharmacy, health promotion |