Are Radiology Request Forms Adequately Filled In?

AuthorsRuben Depasquale MD
Malcolm P Crockford DMRD, FRCR
AbstractBackground: Radiology request forms are essential communication tools used by doctors referring patients for radiological investigations. Their importance, however, is highly underestimated. We set out to perform a process audit of the adequacy of completion of such request forms in St. Lukes Hospital, Malta. Methods: A representative sample of 200 randomly selected request forms received by the radiology department in early September 2004 was reviewed. These included requests for a variety of examinations from different departments within St. Lukes Hospital. A database of the collected forms was created, noting which of the various fields were adequately completed. Results: Only 4% of the 200 request forms reviewed were completed in full. The percentages of the various fields completed were: patients name and surname - 100%; patients full address - 77%; patients age - 29%; referring ward - 95%; referring doctors signature - 100%; referring doctors name and surname - 34%; name of responsible consultant - 91%; question to be answered - 25%. The patients clinical background field was filled in 93%. However, these were more often than not incomplete and unable to fulfil their purpose. Conclusions: There is ample room for change in current local practice.

Published in:
JournalMalta Medical Journal
Volume17 Issue 04
Pages36 - 38
Link to journal

Key wordsaudit, forms, quality improvement, radiology

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace