Speech-language pathology in Malta

AuthorHelen Grech
AbstractEducation in logopaedics and patterns of service delivery for the communication-disordered have expanded over the past decade in the Maltese Islands to address local needs, culture and circumstances. This paper provides an overview of the expansion of trained staff, caseloads and mode of service delivery. Various strategies are reported as having been adopted by the relatively underresourced training establishment to ensure the preparation and maintenance of competent and accountable practitioners, as recommended by the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics. The success in training is perceived as being the result of the collaborative approach adopted with local service providers and expatriate colleagues. Strategic plans to strengthen the profession and service provision are also discussed.

Published in:
JournalFolia Phoniatr Logop
Pages91 - 94
Link to journal

Key wordslogopaedics, communication therapy, speech and language pathology

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace