Surveillance of wild polioviruses in patients with acute flaccid paralysis in Malta during 1998 and 1999

AuthorsM Muscat
L Fiore
R Busuttil
HM Gilles
AbstractCertification of global poliomyelitis eradication can only be accomplished when all countries have been certified as having achieved wild poliovirus eradication. In order to achieve certification of eradication of poliomyelitis in Malta an active acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) surveillance system comprising the whole population was set up. Surveillance became effective in January 1998. During 1998, there were nine reported cases of AFP (non-polio AFP rate: 2.38 per 100,000 population) two of whom were children under 15 years of age (non-polio AFP rate: 2.52 per 100,000 for the population aged <15 years). In 1999 five cases of AFP were reported (non-polio AFP rate: 1.32 per 100,000 population). One case occurred in a child under 15 years (non-polio AFP rate: 1.28 per 100,000 for population aged <15 years). Virological investigation did not detect any wild or Sabin-like polioviruses.

Published in:
JournalEur J Epidemiol
Pages1057 - 1060
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Key wordssurveillance, polioviruses, acute flaccid paralysis

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace