Musculoskeletal Disorders

AuthorJean Pierre Fava
AbstractIn the past thirty years, technology has enabled the automation and mechanization of much of the work processes thus decreasing the proportion of heavy work. This work has become progressively lighter but much remains lacking in the variety of movements necessary for balance, efficient musculoskeletal function. A clear example is the computer, which led to widespread office automation, with the result that white-collar work has taken the nature of light process work. These technological revolutions which have rise to such changes have led medical establishments and other scientists involved in this field to realize that even work that does not involve physical effort and exertion may give rise to musculoskeletal complaints and other discomforts. Smith et al. (1981) stated that the adaptation mechanisms of man were not fast enough to cope with the rapid introduction and progress of certain technologies. Various studies and literatures about this subject prove that cervical and lumbar musculoskeletal systems are liable to be effected in various ways by sedentary occupations. These studies will be considered later on in the dissertation. The term musculoskeletal disorder refers to conditions that involve the nerves, tendons, muscles and supporting structures of the body. Therefore, this study will comprise disorders of the muscles, connective tissues and supporting structures of the neck and lower back regions. This dissertation is about the impact of sedentary occupations on the neck and lower back regions. It is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is a description of the general anatomy of these areas and about the impact of sedentary occupations on the musculoskeletal structure. Chapter two is about the most common sedentary work-related neck and lower back disorders. Chapter three describes the research method used. The fourth and fifth chapters are a description and study of the results of a survey based on a questionnaire regarding musculoskeletal disorders and how these are related to sedentary occupations. The questionnaire was distributed among various members of Bank of Valletta Limited, Mid-Med Bank Limited and Maltese dental surgeons.

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Key wordsEnvironmental Health, Thesis, Musculoskeletal Disorders

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace