Breast Cancer Diagnosing with MR Imaging in Relation to Mammography and Ultrasound

AuthorAriane Camilleri
AbstractBreast cancer is a common cancer amongst women, and early detection is important for better patient management. In this research based on a literature review three imaging modalities to detect breast cancer are discussed. These are as follows; breast MRm, magnetic resonance mammography, which is rather a new modality, opposed to mammography, which has been tried and tested and now established, and also ultrasound which is used as an adjunct to mammography. Mammography is the ideal imaging modality for early breast cancer detection. Ultrasound follow up examination is sometimes requested for any queries resulting from mammography, and for further diagnosis. Mammography is not ideal for patients with dense breasts, as the image formed has often limited diagnostic value. Though various studies have shown, that the introduction of a new imaging modality - MRI magnetic resonance imaging, into the field of breast cancer diagnosis has been of great advantage. Some major advantages being, that no matter how dense the breast is, the image value is still of great quality, due to the high levels of sensitivity provided, it can also detect what is a disadvantage to mammography and ultrasound, and it makes no use of ionizing radiation. In the articles reviewed for this study, mammography, magnetic resonance imaging-MRI and ultrasound, all identified lesions in the breast, as yet though; MRI and ultrasound cannot detect micro calcifications, however this might be a future development. Contrast enhancement further increases the overall sensitivity of MRI. This research has shown that mammography remains the major diagnosing tool, though MRI could be quite a valuable aid in times of difficulty. Furthermore it recommends that MRm - should be introduced to local surgeons and doctors, for them to be knowledgeable about the subject and thus the examination could be introduced.

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Key wordsRadiography, Thesis, MRI, Breast Cancer, Mammogram, Ultrasound

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace