An Evaluation of Image Quality Characteristics in Digital Radiography

AuthorJosie Mallia
AbstractAfter nearly a century of film-radiography domination, it seems that digital radiography is to be the technology of the future. Although this kind of technology is at its infancy, it has been advancing at a fast rate in the last decade, Comparison of image quality and patient doses with film-radiography are promising. The major advantages of this new technology, vis-a-vis image quality, are higher contrast resolution and image manipulation. A reduction in the radiation dose to patients and to staff has also been registered. Past problems regarding spatial resolution are gradually being solved. There is therefore an increase in optimisation vis-a-vis film radiography. Although in Malta, this technology is not available at St. Luke's hospital, it may be introduced into the new Tal-Qroqq hospital. This research was designed to provide the local authorities with an evaluation of image quality characteristics in digital radiography, in order to contribute to the debate on the advantages and disadvantages of the introduction of such a system and of the different digital sensors available vis-a-vis image quality. The study also discusses the possible problems that may arise in implementing such a system in the Maltese situation. Potential problems identified include a change in medico-legal implications, lack of knowledge that exists within the radiology staff about this technology and the low-level of computer literacy in general.

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Key wordsRadiography, Thesis, Image Quality

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace