Introduction of a Screening Programme for Carotid Artery Stenosis

AuthorSuzanne Mifsud
AbstractCarotid artery stenosis may result in transient ischaemic attacks or cerebral vascular accidents. Since recovery is rarely satisfactory, resources may be more wisely spent on prevention rather than cure. Currently cerebral angiography is considered as the gold standard in detecting carotid artery stenosis. However, this is an invasive procedure and thus not ideal as a screening tool for carotid artery stenosis (Khaw, 1997). The rapid advances in technology currently going on in different imaging modalities such as Ultrasound imaging, Magnetic Resonance Imaging and spiral Computerized Tomography are providing non-invasive methods of imaging the carotid arteries. Recent studies performed so far showed that these imaging modalities are yielding positive results. Out of these imaging modalities ultrasound imaging is the most cost-effective tool to screen for carotid artery stenosis (Bluth et al., 2000). Moreover screening the whole population is quite expensive and thus it is recommendable to screen just the high-risk population (Lee et al, 1997).

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Key wordsRadiography, Thesis, Screening, Carotid Artery Stenosis

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace