An Assessment of the Setting up of an Observation Ward in an Accident and Emergency Department

AuthorLucienne Brincat
AbstractAn Observation Ward (OW) in close proximity to the Accident and Emergency (A&E) Department is proposed to be in function in the near future. The main aim of this study was to provide insight into the setting up of this ward, thus two objectives were presented which included criteria for admission and the human resources needed for the running of this ward. To date no similar local research has been undertaken in this regard, and no research tools were available, therefore, the author had to structure the questionnaire items from the literature reviewed. This study adopted a triangulation research design. The data collection was derived from various sources through different measuring tools in order to increase generalizability of the findings. The first part of the study was of a quantitative nature. Questionnaires were administered to A&E doctors during a four-day data collection in order to determine which patients' conditions could have been observed in an OW. Moreover, a survey was sent to 22 UK hospitals from which a high response rate was achieved. This survey related to the managerial aspect of their functional OW. The second part of the study adopted a qualitative approach. A Nominal Group - Technique (NGT) meeting was undertaken with the help of experts in the field under study in order to critically analyse the results obtained in the first section (quantitative part). Both the admission criteria and the managerial aspect of an OW were thoroughly discussed. Results highlight the importance of having a local functional OW. Consensus was achieved regarding various criteria for admission and also for issues relating to the managerial aspect, for instance the importance of having A&E personnel managing the OW. This study, the first of its kind, could be beneficial to aid in the setting up of the local OW and to provide and promote further research in health services.

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Key wordsHealth Services Management, Thesis, Admission Criteria, A&E Department, Observation Ward

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace