Heel Pain: Aetiology and Management

AuthorRosanna Aquilina
AbstractThe objectives of this project is to evaluate the aetiology and management of heel pain. The literature review revealed the aetiology, diagnosis and management of each factor and is discussed. Different kinds of treatment can be used but many authors revealed conservative therapy is effective without side effects unlike surgical treatment. It is very important to educate the patients how to take care of their feet by attending for a visit at the podology clinic. Another important thing is that a leaflet of information about heel pain, must be given to every patient to make people more aware about foot problems, and how these problems could be prevented. Recommendations are listed at the end of this project to help the patient in the prevention of heel pain. The most effective treatment of heel pain must be targeted toward the proper diagnosis of the problem. It is of great importance that a multidisciplinary teamwork is present when treating heel pain.

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Key wordsPodiatry, Thesis, Heel Pain

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace