The Role of Imaging Modalities in Diagnosing Compression Fractures in the Lumbar Spine

AuthorKaren Agius
AbstractThis research project was performed to assess the role of the various imaging modalities suitable to detect compression fractures in the lumbar region. Through this study, it was found that CT and MRI are mainly the only imaging modalities that can differentiate between benign and malignant causes. Nevertheless, there are circumstances whereby distinguishable features might be misleading. For example, the appearance of compression fractures caused secondary to osteoporosis (a benign condition), might be very similar to compression fractures arising from malignant conditions. In such case further investigations need to be carried out and a biopsy should be performed. Other imaging modalities such as Conventional Plain Radiography, RNI and SPECT may also help in diagnosing compression fractures in the lumbar spine. On the basis of the findings, recommendations are proposed on how various imaging modalities may be utilized to achieve the best diagnosis.

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Key wordsRadiography, Thesis, Compression Fracture, Lumbar Spine, Imaging

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace