Guidelines for the Radiation Protection of Unborn Children Irradiated in Utero due to Parental Diagnostic Medical Exposure

AuthorMarie Claire Attard
AbstractSince the first medical applications of x-rays, there has been increasing concern regarding the effects on unborn children irradiated in-utero due to parental diagnostic medical exposure. Studies have observed that radiation during pregnancy is most hazardous in the first trimester, becoming less in the second trimester and even less in the third trimester. Guidelines for the radiation protection of unborn children due to irradiation from medical exposure are particularly important because the use of x-radiation cannot be eliminated. X-radiation is always used as a first line of investigation and it is therefore essential that a set of practical guidelines is set up in every x-ray room in the department. No such guidelines exist in the Radiology Department at St. Luke's Hospital. This research project involved a literature search regarding the effects on the unborn child due to irradiation and radiation protection guidelines from professional bodies, and the product of a set of radiation protection guidelines for the perusal of the management, radiologists and radiographers, suitable for the Radiology Department at St. Luke's Hospital. Potential problems identified in the implementation of these guidelines were a low level of awareness of the possible causes on the unborn child due to irradiation, the lack of continuous education, and the absence of knowledge regarding the use of other non-ionising imaging modalities.

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Key wordsRadiography, Thesis, Guidelines, Radiation Protection, Pregnancy

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace