Assessing Patients in the Accident and Emergency Department

AuthorMichael Axiaq
AbstractThis study evaluated the 'assessment of patients' at the Emergency Department at Gozo General Hospital and what could be done to improve it. In order to investigate this unique situation, Action Research was chosen as the tool of research. A model of Action Research was adapted and the study developed into 'Three Stages' and a 'General Plan for Action'. The analysis found that the Emergency Department was being exposed to a situation where serious or fatal mistakes could occur because assessment being carried out was not satisfactory. Hence it needs improvement urgently. Two main problems were identified, first, that the nurses, the doctors and the hospital administration see the assessment of the patients on arrival at the Emergency Department as the doctor's responsibility not the nurse's. Secondly the limitations posed by the layout of the building to set up a triage area. On the other hand the willingness and eagerness showed by the nurses, doctors and the hospital administration to improve the situation offers a good atmosphere to work in with a good chance to succeed. This chance of success will be enhanced if the three year program, outlined in the 'General Plan for Action', is followed to introduce gradually the Nursing Triage System. Limitations of the study were that the major step that of implementation has yet to be carried out and that some relevant information had to be left out due to ethical issues.

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Key wordsNurses, A&E, Gozo, Triage, Thesis

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace