Nurses' Awareness of the Psychological Needs of Women Experiencing Early Pregnancy Loss

AuthorHelen Attard Bason
AbstractThis study investigated nurses' awareness of the psychological needs of women experiencing early loss. Furthermore this study aimed to explore nurses' sources of knowledge specific to pregnancy loss and the possibility of further educational needs to enhance nursing knowledge in this area of care. Analysis of the literature revealed that patients experiencing an early pregnancy loss will suffer intense feelings of grief, helplessness, guilt and anger. Very often, the patient's physical needs following the miscarriage are addressed but the psychological needs are neglected. Acknowledging the psychological needs of women and providing support during the grieving process, will help the women and families cope with this traumatic experience. A descriptive small scale-study was undertaken in which a convenience sample of 23 nurses working on full time basis for not less than one year at the Gynaecology ward was chosen. 18 nurses out of 23 completed a self-report questionnaire. Content analysis was performed to analyse data from the open ended questions. The study revealed that nurses perceived well the psychological changes and needs of women experiencing early loss in pregnancy. However, the majority of nurses declared that their knowledge is limited and that they had a strong desire to improve their skills through further education and support. This implies that there is a need for further improvement in the care given to women who miscarry. Ongoing education for nurses working in the gynaecology ward is imperative.

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Key wordsNurses, Awareness, Psychological Needs, Women, Early Pregnancy Loss, miscarriage, Thesis

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace