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Author | Rodianne Attard |
Abstract | Cervical cancer, although easily prevented or detected in its early stages by regular cervical smear tests, remains a leading cause of death amongst women. Lack of awareness and knowledge about nature of the test were cited in various studies as the prime motive for non-attendance for cervical screening. In light of this, this descriptive non-experimental research study aimed to investigate Maltese women's awareness of the cervical smear test. A sample of 20 Maltese female University students was selected at random from the University register by means of systematic sampling. Eighteen questionnaires were returned rendering a response rate of 90%. The findings of this study suggested that the University students surveyed have limited awareness of cervical smear test, which can be improved by health education. Surprisingly, awareness on the nature of the test, recommended frequency and meaning of results, seemed inadequate even amongst attendees for the test. Perhaps most worrying was the fact that whilst knowledge on the risk factors was quite poor, many of the students had one or more of the potential risks for cervical cancer including early age at first sexual intercourse, multiple sexual partners and non-attendance for cervical screening. Students seemed quite aware about basic facts on cervical cancer and significantly all considered cervical smear test as necessary. Moreover, the need for more information and health promotion about this topic was also highlighted in this current study. It is therefore recommended that a public information and education campaign addressing the risk factors for cervical cancer and available preventive measures especially regular cervical smear tests is organized locally. |
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Key words | Women, Awareness, Cervical Smear, PAP Test, Thesis, University students |