Knowledge Amongst Individuals with Diabetes Concerning their Condition

AuthorDorianne Attard
AbstractDiabetes knowledge is important for the proper management of the condition and prevention of possible complications that could be avoided by appropriate self-care. This led the student researcher to carry out a small-scale study to explore the knowledge that individuals with diabetes have about their condition. A descriptive, cross-sectional design was carried out using mostly quantitative data obtained through a self-administered questionnaire. A convenience sample of 20 Maltese individuals having diabetes was recruited from a Diabetes Clinic in a local General Hospital. Some knowledge deficits were identified, especially in dietary management, while participants were found to be knowledgeable in areas related to diabetes complications and foot care. Participants' educational level, age at onset of diabetes and type of diabetes management used, seemed to be associated with their knowledge levels. Most participants felt the need to know more about their condition. The findings were used to draw up recommendations for practice and further research.

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Key wordsKnowledge, Diabetes, Thesis, Diabetics

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace