Nurses' Management Towards Mobility in Patients with Stroke

AuthorJulian Agius
AbstractThis small scale, descriptive, non-experimental study was designed to assess and observe nursing management towards mobility in patients with stroke. Data collection was done by means of a tool devised for this study. The tool was a semi-structured observation schedule which took place on a medical ward, during which the nursing management towards mobility delivered to a particular patient was observed. Findings indicated that there is not a widespread effort to improve management to improve mobility and enhance independence. However, upon further analysis of the results and the various themes one could see more detailed results and other factors contributing to the results. The results indicated a partial reliance of nurses upon other members of the multidisciplinary team, namely physiotherapists, especially when the management concerned the actual mobility and movement of the patient with stroke. Such deficiencies may indicate that the knowledge learnt by the nurses is not being used in the daily management. Findings and discussion and their implications for nursing practice, management and education are followed by recommendations in an attempt to improve nurse' knowledge and management towards mobility in patient with stroke.

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Key wordsNurses, Mobility, Stroke, Thesis

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace