Nurses' Perceptions of Child Abuse

AuthorJoanna Bruno
AbstractThe purpose of this study was to identify nurses' perceptions of child abuse in relation to their knowledge, attitudes and beliefs. This study involved a descriptive survey by means of a questionnaire that was distributed and collected by hand. The study sample consisted of nurses (N = 14), working in St Luke's paediatric wards. Sampling techniques adopted were selection of the target population with the result of a convenience sample. Physical abuse was the most frequent form of abuse that has been mentioned throughout by the nurses who were taking part in the study. Also from this study there is the indication of medical influence on the subjects' views. Trends such as not recognising conditions attributed to other forms of child abuse besides physical maltreatment, were not being identified as abusive in this study. Eventually, this particular influence seems as to have raised more the awareness of physical maltreatment, which can be attributed to the fact that nurses participating in this study had never received formal education on child abuse during their nursing studies.

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Key wordsNurses, Perceptions, Child Abuse, Thesis

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace