Assessment of the Pain and Discomfort from the Breast Compression that is Experienced in Maltese Women Undergoing Mammography

AuthorErika Brincat
AbstractMammography is of great importance since it can detect breast cancer at an early stage. However, mammography involves breast compression which may generate discomfort and pain to various levels which in turn may deter women from attending for mammography. Thus a study assessing the pain and discomfort from the breast compression that is experienced in Maltese women undergoing mammography was pursued. Twenty first time attendees were recruited. A questionnaire was administered prior and after mammography. The pain/discomfort rating scale was used to measure pain and discomfort during breast compression. The results obtained show that breast compression generates pain and discomfort to various levels. Factors associated with pain and discomfort during mammography were age, menstrual cycle, hormone use, expectations of pain and discomfort and compression force. An association between menstrual cycle and breast tenderness or pain within the three days prior mammography in premenopausal women was also demonstrated. Ways on how to minimize the pain and discomfort from the breast compression were covered in the study.

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Key wordsPain, Discomfort, Breast Compression, Women, Mammography, Thesis

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace