Stress Inducing Factors in Pre-Operative Cardiac Surgery

AuthorMichael Bezzina
AbstractThis study investigated the various factors that induce stress in the pre-operative days before cardiac surgery. In order to investigate this period of time, a retrospective analysis was chosen as the tool of research. The data was obtained from feedback of patients who underwent cardiac surgery during 1990. The analysis found that the pre-operative days are stressful to the patient and various factors contributed to this. Factors included the too early date of admission and the lack of an information booklet about cardiac surgery and the Cardio Thoracic Unit. In addition, communication skills were found to be not satisfactory. Much can be done to promote a better preparation of this particular area of care. The patients need to be kept well informed about their hospitalization and about their impending surgery. Bath the medical and nursing staff can contribute in this aspect of care. The contribution of Intensive Care nurses and Theatre nurses is also of great help. All these methods should pose a better preparation for the patient who id to undergo cardiac surgery in a few days' time. The research should also increase our understanding of the meaning of stress before surgery in relation to nursing care.

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Key wordsStress, Pre-Operative, Cardiac Surgery, Thesis

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace