Measuring Prospective Consumers' Expectations with Maternity Care Services

AuthorAntoinette Calleja
AbstractWhen it comes to maternity care services, this study reveals how the actual act of purchasing encompasses the expectations of prospective consumers'. The application of the repertory grid technique allowed for the generation of qualitative data. This made it possible to develop a quantitative yardstick for gauging perceived expectations. Conceptualisation of the expectation standard, defined as estimates of anticipated performance, lead toward the identification of fourteen attributes. The mental categorisation of attributes across the various locations that provide maternity care services in Malta is captured. The study demonstrates how prospective consumers with no previous experience of maternity care services, have definite expectations based upon their personal needs and perception of services, which at times, differs between the sexes. The prospective consumers' mental judgement towards anticipated value for money, is quantified, compared and contrasted. Constant values, for each attribute relative to cost are discovered. This finding in turn instigates other questions that merit further research. Although, this study enables health care managers to have a better understanding of their prospective consumers' view point, it must also be realised that an organisations success depends also upon other equally important factors. Hence, managers must strive to seek how to create a balance.

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Key wordsExpectations, Maternity Care, Services, Thesis

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace