Residential Homes and Need Fulfillment

AuthorNoel Fava
AbstractThe purpose of the study was to identify whether the needs of the elderly living in residential homes in Malta are being fulfilled. For the present study, two residential homes were used, one provided by the government and the other by the church. A sample of 16 elderly people from each home was selected by means of systematic sampling, with one elderly person from each home participating in the pilot study. To explore the area under investigation a semi-structured interview schedule was designed, which incorporated both closed and open questions. The data revealed the heterogeneity of the elderly residents since each individual elderly person experienced the residential home in a unique way. On the whole, the governmental home seemed to meet more the needs of the elderly residents. On the other hand, the church home seemed to be in a state of equilibrium, with one side being positive, the other being negative. The main limitations of the study are the small sample size, the large percentage of female respondents and the selection criteria adopted. However, the study still reflects the way the needs of elderly people within residential homes are managed, particularly since the majority of residential homes presently available in Malta are provided by the government and the church.

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Key wordsResidential Homes, Thesis, Elderly, Nursing

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace