Parentcraft Education for Teenage Mothers

AuthorJoasianne Giusti
AbstractThe aim of this study was to explore the benefits which parentcraft education classes offer to young mothers in Malta and to highlight the importance of such education. The sample population consisted of 10 teenage mothers aged between 16 and 19 years of age. The study was carried out at the Parentcraft Education room in Karen Grech Hospital, G'Mangia, Malta. Data was collected by means of an Interview Schedule. Qualitative data was mainly obtained from the interviews. However some quantitative information is also included. The results suggested that all the mothers seem to have benefited from parentcraft education classes. The attendance rate at these sessions was high and the mothers found the programme interesting due to the various teaching methods used. The fathers who participated highlighted the need to be included in the programme. Correspondingly the mothers praised the teaching methods used within the sessions. Recommendations are highlighted for similar studies include the use of a larger sample. A comparative study with an "older women's" group is also suggested.

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Key wordsParentcraft, Education, Teenage, Mothers, Thesis, Nursing

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace