Food Intake of Patients with Hypertension

AuthorPetra Mallia
AbstractLiterature is abundant on the importance of the type of food consumed to control hypertension. Research recommends that a diet, rich in fruits and vegetables and a decrease in fat and sodium intake, are needed for patients with hypertension (Hooper, Bartlett, Smith and Ebrahim, 2002; Svetkey et al, 2004). The aim of this descriptive study was to analyse the food intake of patients with hypertension recruited from a Medical Outpatient Department of a State-owned general hospital. A three-day food diary was administered to a convenience sample (N=30) with a response rate of 70% (n=21). The findings suggest that males and females consumed Fruit and Vegetables for `Lunch' and 'Dinner'. However, more males reported having Fats, Sweets, and Oily Foods for 'In-Between- Snacks' on Friday and Sunday, whereas more females appeared to consume this food group for `Lunch' and `Dinner'. Recommendations were suggested to clinical practice and education in order to increase awareness on the importance of nutrition in health through the interdisciplinary team. Further research was suggested to explore fluctuations in food intake across time and to explore possible factors which may enhance/inhibit a well balanced diet.

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Key wordsFood intake, Hypertension, Thesis, Nursing

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace