An Exploration of the Factors that may Influence Maltese Adolescents' Body Image

AuthorSuelle Micallef Marmara'
AbstractThe aim of this descriptive, non-experimental study was to explore the factors that may influence Maltese adolescents' body image. During adolescence, teens go through psychological, emotional, biological and social changes (Mc Cabe et al, 2002). These changes are influenced by the individual genetic composition and by several social settings such as the family, friends, culture, the media and the world of entertainment (Ricciardelli, 2003). Thus, the current study explored whether these factors influence the way adolescents look at their body image. Both quantitative and qualitative data was collected by means of a self-administered questionnaire. Questions were based on the literature review to fulfill the aim of the study. A sample of 64 adolescents attending Junior Lyceum School was selected by means of a stratified random sampling. 60 questionnaires were returned rendering a response rate of 92%. Results indicated that 86% of the participants were dissatisfied with certain parts of their bodies as they were different from their ideals. Females were found to experience more dissatisfaction with their body which is mostly correlated with body weight preoccupation. However, although to a lesser degree, boys were also found to be dissatisfied with certain body parts, mostly correlating with a more masculine image. Mothers, peers, and the media were found to persuade adolescents to change their body image in different ways, as they were found to be the dominant factors.

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Key wordsAdolescent, Body Image, Thesis, Nursing

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace