Nurses Awareness of the Prevention and Management of Needle-Stick Injuries

AuthorCristiana Mizzi
AbstractNurses use many types of needles and other sharp devices to provide patient care. Whenever a needle or other sharp device is exposed, injuries can occur. Prevention of such injuries will avoid contracting any blood borne infections while good management of needle stick injuries may reduce the risk of subsequent infection. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the nurses' awareness of the prevention and management of needle stick injuries. A descriptive non- experimental research design was used in order to achieve the aim and objectives of the present research study. The sample consisted of 20 nurses, working in three wards in a geriatric hospital. A self-administered questionnaire, which was collected by hand, was used to collect data. Fourteen nurses responded to the questionnaire. A major finding was that the majority of the nurses were aware of the existence of precautions for needle stick injuries. While the majority lacked awareness of the management required following needle stick injury. Education in the preregistration phase, regarding needle stick injuries was also found to be lacking. Nonetheless, nurses seem willing to continue their education, since most of them feel the need for more information as to keep up to date with latest information, to reinforce learned information and that information is never enough. Finally suggestions for education, practice and research are put forth for improvement of the present situation and maintenance of the acquired knowledge.

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Key wordsNurses, Awareness, Prevention, Needle-Stick Injury, Thesis

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace