The Facilitation of Lactation in Mothers of Preterm and Low Birth Weight Infants

AuthorClare Pace
AbstractThis study explored the midwives' and nurses' views on the facilitation of lactation in mothers of the preterm and low-birth-weight (LBW) infants at the local Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU). The literature review discussed the issues surrounding the lactation of the preterm and LBW infants using research studies and recent relevant literature. In this study a self-administered, structured questionnaire was distributed to 10 midwives and 10 nurses working in local SCBU, representing 50% of the target population. Generally the participants seemed to understand the importance of their role in assisting the mother to realise the importance of feeding breast milk to their preterm or LBW infant. Overall respondents claim that preterm infants are capable of sucking the mother's breast as from 34 to 37 weeks of gestational age. Many participants believe that an electric single-breast pump is the most effective method of milk expression and they recommend pumping of the breasts at a frequency of 4 to 6 times a day. Non-nutritive sucking is often put into practice at SCBU. Almost all participants think that for a preterm baby to be put at the breast s/he should show the ability to coordinate sucking and swallowing. In general cup feeding is rarely used as an alternative method to breastfeeding and disagreed that infants of 30 weeks of gestational age could be cup-fed. Normally tube feeding is the method of feeding used at SCBU with preterm and LBW infants and half of these participants agreed that tube feeding is the appropriate method to facilitate breastfeeding. The main reasons for agreement was that the infant can practise the suck reflex and the infant can be put at the breast while the gastric tube is still in place. "Providing information on feeding choices and their benefits", "beginning to express breast milk within 6 hours of birth", and "kangaroo care" were the 3 factors ranked as mostly determining the success of breastfeeding. The introduction of a breastfeeding room in SCBU containing breast pumps is recommended. In addition, several suggestions for further research have been made, including a retrospective study to look into the experiences and views of mothers regarding the care and advice they received whilst breastfeeding their infant on SCBU.

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Key wordsFacilitation, Lactation, Mothers, Preterm, Low Birth Weight, Infants, Thesis, Midwife

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace