Pregnant Adolescents' Perceptions of Pregnancy

AuthorAbigail Plum
Abstract"She learned to multiply before she could divide" is an expression that correlates to teenage pregnancy, which is more commonly used in the media as the teenage pregnancy rate is rising, asserts Pearce (1993). In point of fact, nowadays, more teenage pregnant-women with all their needs and choices are seen at the local maternity wards. This led this research to evolve into a small scale study to gain a clearer understanding of pregnant adolescents' perceptions of pregnancy. This study is aimed at examining how the participants are dealing with their pregnancy, to identify any physical/biological, emotional, lifestyle and behavioural changes due to pregnancy and to assess how their life changed in terms of transforming their relationships, the transition to motherhood and their future goals. To do this, a descriptive non-experimental approach was chosen and through a self-administered semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data as well as some qualitative data. The sample consisted of twenty-four pregnant adolescents of age ranging from 14 to 19 years, who were chosen `conveniently' from a specialised school for pregnant schoolgirls. A great number of the adolescents was and is still living within single parent families, while a substantial percentage were living with their parents prior to and during pregnancy. These findings showed that most of the adolescents had an unplanned pregnancy, which brought about different reactions. The pregnant teens were affected physically/biologically, emotionally and in their lifestyles as well as their behaviour. The participants have also transformed relationships. In spite of all these changes these adolescents appeared to shed the role of a mother. On the other hand, for some pregnancy improved their life situation would be improved and would like to get married, but for the majority hindered them to continue with their education.

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Key wordsPregnant Adolescents, Perception, Pregnancy, Thesis, Nursing

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace