Feelings of Individuals with Cutaneous Disease or Condition

AuthorAlexei Sammut
AbstractThe aim of this descriptive research study was to identify the feelings of individuals with cutaneous diseases or conditions. Individuals with non-infectious diseases only were included in this study. The objectives of this study include the identification of feelings that such individuals experience and the effects that these feelings have in regards to their psychological health and social life. Qualitative and quantitative data was collected through questionnaires administered to a convenient sample of 30 subjects recruited from the dermatological out-patients department. All social groups were represented in this study. In a broad manner the findings in this study largely agreed with similar studies carried out elsewhere. In fact the large majority of the participants agreed that dermatological conditions give rise to psychological problems such as shame, embarrassment, anxiety, fear, sadness and stress. According to the participants the cause of these psychological problems could be traced to an altered body image and the way in which such individuals are viewed by society. Although in normal situations females are more conscious and concerned about their body image, this did not result in this study. The same was observed as regards age and gender. Social stigma and lack of education were the two main reasons that gave rise to psychological problems in individuals with skin condition. Such individuals apart from having to bear their condition also have to cope with the expectations and views of non-affected individuals and society in general. Such individuals strive to be as normal as any other individual and although this is difficult it could still be achieved. The means to overcome this are education and information since sufficient education and information social barriers and stigmatisation can be overcome.

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Key wordsSkin, Patient Perception, Thesis, Nursing

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace