Information giving to Patients with a Colostomy

AuthorGina Spiteri
AbstractThe aim of this descriptive exploratory study attempts to explore the nurses' views and knowledge about the information they give to patients with a colostomy. Literature suggests that patients with a colostomy pass through the most difficult time to learn to live with a colostomy. These individuals have their own biophysical, psychological and sociocultural needs to be able to cope with the change in lifestyle (Devlin et al 1971, Elcoat 1988, Deeny & McCrea 1991). Providing information and education to these patients could allay anxieties, improve patients' recovery and rehabilitation (Boore 1978 in Cullinan, Wilson-Barnett 1980). Nurses who are constantly in contact with patients are in the ideal position to provide the necessary information to patients. This small scale research study obtained data on the knowledge and information given by nurses, by means of a self-administered questionnaire. A response rate of 13 nurses (81%) from 2 female surgical wards took part in the study. The qualitative data supported by the quantitative data revealed that nurses are the main providers of information on stoma care to patients. However, their knowledge and amount of information being given does not seem to be adequate for preparation of patient for discharge. Moreover it was found that nurses are in need of further education on stoma care. In addition the presence of a specialist nurse would enrich patient's rehabilitation programmes which would be highly beneficial for patients with a colostomy.

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Key wordsInformation, Colostomy, Thesis, Stoma, Nursing

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace